Project Name:
Operation Smartpad
Project Details:
US and Canada
Location in Country:
Across North America
Start Date:
3 Months
Professional Resources:
Operation Smartpad
Goal Icon Business Objectives
Traditional well completions data is chaotic and prone to human error as it is a highly manual process. The client, an onshore gas operator, wanted to purchase a new technology developed by a third party that utilized full digital automatic data acquisition and timestamping that passed field data to a cloud architecture where a central operating system runs complex algorithms and returns setpoints for field operators to adjust at various well sites in real time. Better well completion efficiency would save millions of USD.
Corporate Icon Our Role
Provide an independent review of the digital security due diligence process and risk identification processes performed by the client’s IT team. Ensure the appropriate security assessments and corresponding controls were in place to address IIoT security vulnerabilities that can lead to a process safety incident at the well sites if the system were to be compromised such as fire, gas release and loss of life. Map out the vectors that cyber risks can propagate to process safety risk.
Analysis Icon Results
  • Identified risk exposure to client should a cyber attack occur on the third party’s system while in operation on client’s well sites
  • Provided recommendations to mitigate process safety impact using high integrity safety instrumented systems