
Industrial Control System (ICS) Cybersecurity is our focus. We have consistently studied the landscape of digital risks to operational systems and have developed methods and processes for industrial and manufacturing companies to protect themselves against severe consequences that can harm their operations. We can help you run safe, reliable and efficient operations protecting you against cyberattack.

Security Posture Assessment Report (SPAR)

We provide cybersecurity assessments in partnership with owners' and operators to strengthen the cybersecurity posture of their industrial control systems (ICS). Assessments are based on standards and best practices such as NIST SP800-82 and IEC62443 which are tailored to your operational requirements. The assessment methodology provides a structured approach that asset owners and operators can leverage to evaluate and validate the cybersecurity of their ICS environments. The information gained from these assessments provides owners and operators with the understanding necessary to build effective defence-in-depth strategies for enhancing their cybersecurity posture.
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Product- Assesment
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Cyber Profile Risk Assessment (CPRA)

Today’s risks are tomorrow’s incidents. You need to analyze the emerging threat landscape to map your exposure so that in the end you can prioritize and maintain an evergreen response strategy. Many companies make the mistake of not investing appropriately in cybersecurity countermeasures simply because they do not understand the risk it poses to their business. Risk, in simple terms, is a measure of the worst-case impact event that can hurt your operations and the likelihood of it occurring. For some companies the worst event can be fire & explosion, loss of life, damage to the environment, public outage, lengthy downtime and reputational damage.
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Network Design Architecture Verification (NDAV)

The need for the plant network verification varies from one organization to the next. Teams use network verification to ensure hardware, software and network configurations are secure and contain defence-in-depth measures to protect and isolate nodes and endpoints against cyberattack. Companies need assurance that their machines and equipment can operate safely, reliably and efficiently without causing injury, harm or downtime should a cyber incident occur.
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Product - Vulnerability Assesment

Software Vulnerability Analysis Review (SVAR)

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source. A vulnerability analysis is the process of identifying, quantifying and prioritizing the weaknesses in computer systems, applications and network infrastructure that provides you with the knowledge and understanding of the risk to your business or operations to react appropriately. Vulnerabilities can exist externally, facing the outside world and internally within your systems and devices. When assessments are conducted it can provide intelligence to help secure your critical infrastructure. Show More

Specialized Security Awareness Training (SSAT)

Cybercriminals place most of their resources in going after the employee. Today your staff are frequently exposed to sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. We can provide interactive training to educate your staff on not only how to recognize attack vectors but how to observe security practices and become more vigilant as they conduct their work on company systems and environments. Cyber risk not only impacts the IT or enterprise side of businesses but can have far more severe consequences in sectors where industrial control systems (OT) are used to automate production processes such as power generation, oil and gas, petrochemical, water supply, ports and factories and food and beverage manufacturing to mention a few. Show More
Product - Incident

Cyber Incident Response Preparedness (CIRP)

News stories involving data breaches, ransomware, and malware attacks are becoming daily occurrences. Cyberattacks are becoming so common and widespread that several companies are affected by cybercrime daily. With the rise of cybercrime, the need for and subsequent growth of incident response teams is growing proportionally. There are a myriad of guidelines, books, publications, and paid services available, but these can become overly complicated solutions and can contribute to the problem more than it helps. While you balance technology investment, internal processes and access controls, it is now necessary that your defence strategy also includes the preparation and practice of a comprehensive incident response plan. Show More
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Cybersecurity Strategy Development (CSDV)

A robust cybersecurity strategy is the best defence against attack, but many organizations don’t know where to begin. Documented policies and procedures are invaluable to help guide employees in specific situations, such as having to report and respond to a potential incident or identify weaknesses in processes. They also clearly demonstrate your company’s standpoints on security, which can in turn help build a security culture throughout your organization. A good and properly enforced policy can prove a more effective way of changing staff behaviours than sophisticated (and expensive) technological measures.
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Advisory Services (ADVS)

Organisations usually do not possess the skills and resources to address operational challenges and we can assist organizations in several ways by reducing the cost and impact of cybersecurity incidents. We have a deeply experienced team that harnesses the power of industry-leading solutions. Organizations can contract MIAN as a complete outsource model to retain capability, coverage and response as needed.
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