Project Name:
Field of the Future
Project Details:
Trinidad and Tobago
Location in Country:
Port of Spain, Galeota Point, Columbus Basin
Start Date:
30 Months
Professional Resources:
EV Cybersecurity Assurance
Goal Icon Business Objectives
Digital transformation of the operations of the oil and gas business using data and automation to achieve higher operating efficiency and lower operating cost. To reduce manning levels and visit frequencies offshore by developing unmanned production platforms and wells that could be safely and securely remotely operated from an onshore command and control centre to meet gas contract market demands daily.
Corporate Icon Our Role
Develop the vision, strategy and business case and program of projects to enable remotely operated facilities. This included the design of a fully automated process control network on each offshore facility to be interconnected via a digital microwave WAN. Develop a tiered digital architecture to move process data over secure tunnels to onshore historians where desktop analytic applications could be used to interrogate topside and subsurface information. Remotely control and view the real time process in a secure collaborative environment enabling Operations the situational awareness and agility to respond to changing gas market conditions 24/7.
Analysis Icon Results
  • Major reduction to safety and operational risk
  • 2% increase in operating efficiency
  • 90% reduction of helicopter trips for engineering staff
  • Zero liquid loading of wells on commissioning
  • Early detection of process and equipment anomalies